As this is my first blog post I thought I should introduce myself! My name is Vicky, I’m a speech and language therapist and I work independently in Hampshire, UK. I live with my husband, 4 year old daughter and two labradors.
I have always had an interest in language development and working with children so speech and language therapy seemed like an ideal way to combine the two. I started my career working for the NHS but found it difficult to build up relationships with families and provide the support I felt they needed.
I started Learn to Talk because I know how important speech and language is to a child’s development. I know that difficulties in this area can impact on a child’s learning, social interaction and ability to reach their full potential.
I understand how concerning it is when your child’s speech doesn’t seem to be developing typically. As a parent I know it is too easy to look to the internet for reassurance and end up confused and worried. I know how frustrating it is to wait a long time for an appointment and then how helpless it feels to not be given a straight answer or anything practical to work on.
I develop positive relationships with the children on my caseload so they are relaxed and enjoy coming to my clinic. Children make more progress when they are engaged and therapy sessions are fun.
I quickly establish trust with parents through open communication. I help them understand what is going on and giveĀ clarity about how we can best support their child’s speech and language development together.
I work in partnership with other professionals involved in a child’s development to ensure everyone is working together on same goal – of helping the child learn to communicate.
I aim to share advice and information on this blog, so keep checking back for new posts.
Please contact me by phone or email if you have concerns about your own child.